Thursday, July 5

Its AMAZING how much work I can get done with the boss away. I can usually find one hour or two to play some pranks and generally stir up some trouble, but not this week! I was a good girl and got all my work done and now I'm so caught up its scary. What shall I do next week? Hmmm... Boss is gone again for the week, so I guess I'll definitely have to find some trouble to get into. Its been ages since I've played any serious pranks. Oh, sure... I've set up my remote controlled fart machine in the new people's cubicals... but nothing brilliant. Not that the fart machine isn't brilliant - whoever invented this marvel is truly a genius. If you don't have one, I suggest you get one. Its a gas, literally! The last guy I set up said "I can't believe a LADY such as yourself WOULD do anything like that." *snicker* LADY?? He sure doesn't know me very well! Yes, I can be very lady like, but when it comes to jokes, I'm no lady!